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551 Deviations
    Se trata de um futuro alternativo pós Z. Novos saiyajins apareceram 2 anos apos o torneio de artes marciais, um deles era um ssj tendo apenas 8 anos seu nome era Veho ele e seus irmãos Nemari e Semal são filhos de sobreviventes do Apocalipse saiyajin. Seus pais foram assassinados cruelmente, sendo vingados pela fúria de Veho. Foram acolhidos e treinados por Goku junto de Pan e Uub (exceto Semal que foi treinado por Vegeta) a relação entre eles e maior do que imaginam os 3 são primos em segundo grau de Goku e incrivelmente são sayajins mestiços sendo 3/4 saiyajin e 1/4 humano. Como o sangue humano corre em suas veias ninguém sabe. A nova geração e os guerreiros z originais devem provar seu valor. Agora que Goku e Vegeta se foram e ameaças sem procedentes surgiram.

    If it is a post alternative future Z. New Saiyans appeared two years after the martial arts tournament, one was a ssj with only eight years his name was Veho he and his Nemari and Semal brothers are sons of the Apocalypse survivors saiyajin . His parents were murdered cruelly, being vindicated by the fury of Veho. Were welcomed and trained by Goku along Pan and Uub (except Semal who was trained by Vegeta) the relationship between them and bigger than you think 3 are second cousins of Goku and are amazingly Saiyan Saiyan mestizos being 3/4 and 1 / 4 human. Like human blood runs in his veins nobody knows. The new generation and the original z warriors must prove his worth. Now that Goku and Vegeta are gone and not coming threats emerged. (I hate Google translator)
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Corrente Gringa

1 min read
    I am writing this because a friend so ...
 know nobody will read, but sometimes, when I'm bored, I get wrapped up in my tutu, put a giant horn on my head, lather sparkles all over myself and prance around the kitchen pretending I'm a magical unicorn. They can laugh I leave,Sweating a little... Sweating a little... Sweating a little... 
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DBA sinopse ( o mais resumido que consegui) by HelvecioBNF, journal

Corrente Gringa by HelvecioBNF, journal